Friday, November 12, 2010

This is The best Audi D7 Concept Car, Cool, Slim, and Exotic car

The most interesting car concepts are being put forward mostly by the students, and this one strangely comes from a land, which has not much record of churning out futuristic car designs in the past. The futuristic Audi D7 Concept Car is another addition in this lineup. The D7 concept is based on a front-propelled electric engine which is connected to charging cracks on its nose. It dons a real futuristic phantom look with neon light belts stretching around its parameters. There are no distinct headlamps or real lights, the light belts act for both.
The Audi D7 is designed by Kave Naser Bakht, a graduate at the Iranian Industrial and Transportation Design, was the main attraction at the car design exhibition ‘From Dream to Reality’ held in Teheran, Iran in April 2009. The D7 concept is designed integrating detailed aggressive visual elements on a sporty looking body. Streamlined and aerodynamic in design, this electric car is one surprise which remains yet to be completely unveiled. Not much information is out about what idea is exactly under the hood, but designers from world over are eager to learn the engine dynamics and the interior features of this beautiful looking future car.

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